
Calcium Rich Food For Stronger Bones

Calcium Rich Food For Stronger Bones Bones provides structure to your body and enables mobility. They protect your vital body organs. There are in all 270 bones present in human body at the time of birth and they gradually reduce to 212 separate bones with increasing age. Bones are made up of collagen and calcium phosphate that provides strength and hard framework. To strengthen your bones further you need extra calcium which you can get from food. But your body also needs vitamin D in order to absorb that calcium. Calcium is not only used by your bones , they are also used by your body cells including muscles, heart and nervous system. If your calcium intake is low, your body will take calcium from your bones to ensure normal cell function. It can leads to weakening bones or osteoporosis. An adult need at-least 1000 mg of calcium daily and older people needs 1200 mg of calcium per day. Foods that are rich in calcium are mentioned below Milk One cup of milk

6 Reasons Why Prolong Sitting Is Dangerous

6 Reasons Why Prolong Sitting Is Dangerous Now a days we spend most of our time in sitting on a chair or couch either for doing any activity or just sitting idle. Our everyday activities like studying, office work, watching television or computer related work etc are designed for sitting at one place. Global studies shows that an average person sits for 7 hours per day. But do you know how long a person should sit in a whole day? A person who sits for 4 hours a day is at low risks than a person who sits for more than 4 to 8 hours a day. Also a person who sits for more than 8 hours a day is at very high risks. Sitting has short term as well as long term effects on our body and our health. 1. Reverse exercise effects You do exercise because you want to keep yourself fit. But sitting whole day after exercise will cause a reverse effects on your body. Whatever hard work you have done will be wasted. 2. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) D.V.T. is a blood clot that occurs in

13 best motivation tips for exercise

13 best motivation tips for exercise Just planning of doing any exercise makes us exited but that excitement level doesn't last all the time. For few weeks you will feel that excitement but soon you realize that what was keeping you motivated before for doing exercise is suddenly nowhere to found. From inside you always wants to make exercise your daily routine that's why you are searching for something that drives you towards it or something that always gets you moving. Like an athlete, whose motivation comes from a desire to compete and win. Some people gets motivated by their desire to live healthy life and some others by their desire to lose weight. But sometimes this goal is not enough to drive you towards exercise. There are many reasons why you feel demotivated. But one of the main reasons you don't feel like doing exercise is your body pain which occurs after doing exercise. This pain lasts for an hour a day or a week. This pain mostly triggers in t

6 best foods for building muscles

6 best foods for building muscles Muscles are bundles of fibrous tissues in a human body that has ability to contract and produce movement. Main functions of muscles are they allow movement like walking, running and swimming. They also keeps the body in correct posture and protects internal organ. Why you need to build muscles? Some of the reasons to build your muscle mass are- To get stronger To lower your risk of injury To boost your bone density To improve your joints To improve metabolism To give you shape Foods to increase muscle mass are 1. Tuna Tuna is the best source of protein with almost zero fats. It contains essential amino acids required for growth and maintenance of lean muscle tissues. It is also good source of Omega-3 fatty acids. 2. Chicken Chicken has very high protein content and it helps in building muscles. Apart from protein, chicken is rich in calcium and phosphorus which helps to keep your bones healthy. 3. Eggs

8 Foods that keep you hydrated in this summer

8 Foods that keep you hydrated in this summer Hydration occurs when water intake of your body reduces below the normal level. Dehydration that cause 2% of body weight loss effects your mental and physical performance. It may leads to nausea, hypo tension, diarrhea, seizure, vomiting and coma. A nearly clear or light colored urine indicated that a person is well hydrated. When you do any kind of workout especially during summer most of your body fluids are lost due to sweating. Excessive sweating occurs when you do workout in hot climate. These lost body fluids needs to be replaced frequently and immediately. So you need to stay hydrated during exercise and replace lost fluids after exercise. Water is the best option against dehydration and there is no replacement for it but you can try below mentioned food in your diet to fight against dehydration. There is no exact figure of how much water intake is necessary. But according to doctors a male adult should consume at-l

7 eye exercise to remove eye strain

7 eye exercise to remove eye strain Eye strain occurs when you look at some object for a long period of time without blinking your eyes for example computers, mobile phones, television etc. In today's digital age these things are common as we knowingly or unknowingly spends lot of time on these devices. Another cause of eye strain is being in too dim light (mostly while reading books) or too bright light. Some of the symptoms of prolong eyestrain are headache, blurry vision and irritated eyes or red eyes. Just as your body needs exercise to work properly your eyes also needs exercise. Eye exercise improves flexibility and strength of eye muscles. Also it helps your eyes to relax and remove strain. Eye exercise also improves your depth perception naturally. There are many eye exercise to help you for different eye conditions. Some of the ways to prevent eye strain are mentioned below: Thumb exercise Sit or stand straight and look in front Extend your h

6 simple ways to deal with stiff neck after workout

6 simple ways to deal with stiff neck after workout Some of you might have to deal with a problem of stiff neck after exercise, and symptoms may come  2-3 hours after workout or the next day after getting up in the morning. Sometimes you may be unable to turn your head. One of the reason of neck pain is wrong posture during exercise. For example, "always looking down while doing any workout, or lifting heavy objects" put strain on muscles of your neck. Neck pain results from overuse of muscles in the neck and shoulder or strain on the joints in the neck. Here we will discuss some easy ways to get rid of neck pain Short breaks Take short breaks between your workout especially while doing heavy lifting. It helps to reduce strain on your neck. Neck stretching Sit or stand straight with face forward i.e. look in front. Move your neck from right to left 2-3 times, up and down 2-3 times, side stretch 2-3 times, round motion 1-2 times. Do this exercise slowly