7 eye exercise to remove eye strain

7 eye exercise to remove eye strain

Eye strain occurs when you look at some object for a long period of time without blinking your eyes for example computers, mobile phones, television etc.

In today's digital age these things are common as we knowingly or unknowingly spends lot of time on these devices.

Another cause of eye strain is being in too dim light (mostly while reading books) or too bright light.

Some of the symptoms of prolong eyestrain are headache, blurry vision and irritated eyes or red eyes.

Just as your body needs exercise to work properly your eyes also needs exercise.
Eye exercise improves flexibility and strength of eye muscles. Also it helps your eyes to relax and remove strain.
Eye exercise also improves your depth perception naturally. There are many eye exercise to help you for different eye conditions.

Some of the ways to prevent eye strain are mentioned below:

Thumb exercise

  • Sit or stand straight and look in front
  • Extend your hand in front of you with fingers in thump's up position 
  • Look at your thumb nail
  • Slowly move your hand to the right, your eyes should be at your thumb nail
  • Do not move your head. you should only move your eyelids
  • Bring your hand to front and repeat these steps for left, up and down

Rolling eyes

  • Sit or stand straight and look in front.
  • Now move your eye lids to extreme left corner (without moving your head)
  • Slowly move them upward - then to right - then downward in circular motion.
  • Then once you reach to left corner, reverse your steps in anticlockwise direction
  • Do this 1-2 times

Do these exercise gently and slowly.


Eye strain becomes severe when you look at bright screens and don't blink your eyes.

So blink your eyes frequently. It helps to protect health of your eyes and lubricates them properly.

Slowly close your eyes for half second and then open it for next half second. Repeat the same step 10 to 20 times.
With this exercise you will feel fresh and relax.

Palm exercise

Palm has a connection with your eyes.

  • Rub your palms with each other until they become warm
  • Then close your eyes and hold your palms on your eyes
  • With your warm palms, your eyes with get that heat and they will relax.
  • Repeat these steps 2-3 times.

Figure Eight

  • Sit or stand straight and look in front.
  • Focus on a particular location in front of your eyes.
  • Start drawing figure 8 by moving your eyelids without moving your head.
  • Take a break of half second and repeat above steps.
  • Do these 2-3 times.

Pencil exercise

  • Sit or stand straight and look in front.
  • Take pencil in your hand and hold it in front of your eyes, by your arm stretch in front.
  • Focus on that pencil
  • Slowly move pencil towards you and then away from you.
  • Do these 2-3 times. 
These exercise is also called as zooming exercise.

The 20-20-20 rule

If you are engaged in the same activity for a longer period of time like working on computer, then you should shift your focus on something other than the activity every 20 minutes. Its very easy process to ease eye strain.
You have to look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds after every 20 minutes interval.


Maintaining eye health is very important for your vision, so that you don't face any vision problem. Follow these 7 exercise regularly as your eyes also needs your attention.


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