6 simple ways to deal with stiff neck after workout

6 simple ways to deal with stiff neck after workout

Some of you might have to deal with a problem of stiff neck after exercise, and symptoms may come  2-3 hours after workout or the next day after getting up in the morning. Sometimes you may be unable to turn your head.

One of the reason of neck pain is wrong posture during exercise. For example, "always looking down while doing any workout, or lifting heavy objects" put strain on muscles of your neck.

Neck pain results from overuse of muscles in the neck and shoulder or strain on the joints in the neck.

Here we will discuss some easy ways to get rid of neck pain

Short breaks

Take short breaks between your workout especially while doing heavy lifting. It helps to reduce strain on your neck.

Neck stretching

Sit or stand straight with face forward i.e. look in front.
Move your neck from right to left 2-3 times, up and down 2-3 times, side stretch 2-3 times, round motion 1-2 times.
Do this exercise slowly and gently.


Neck massage with some coconut oil or any kind of massage oil is best for getting relief from neck pain. Make sure to do this massage softly for 5 to 10 minutes daily till you get relief.

Hot shower or heat pack

Hot shower is the best way to loosen muscle strain.
Heat pack or warm damp towel can helps to loosen and relax the muscles of your neck.

Ice pack

Applying ice pack can help reduce swelling and inflammation. You can use ice packs or take some ice is cloth and apply on your neck for 5-10 minutes.

Rest or change your course

Sometimes stiff neck starts to improve after short rest. If you are facing the problem of stiff neck which is getting worst day by day, its better to take short break from your daily workout routine or you can even change your course which means change the type of exercise you are performing which doesn't put strain on your neck.

If your pain in unbearable or if it lasts for more than a week then its better to consult your doctor.

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