6 Reasons Why Prolong Sitting Is Dangerous

6 Reasons Why Prolong Sitting Is Dangerous

Now a days we spend most of our time in sitting on a chair or couch either for doing any activity or just sitting idle. Our everyday activities like studying, office work, watching television or computer related work etc are designed for sitting at one place.

Global studies shows that an average person sits for 7 hours per day. But do you know how long a person should sit in a whole day?

A person who sits for 4 hours a day is at low risks than a person who sits for more than 4 to 8 hours a day. Also a person who sits for more than 8 hours a day is at very high risks.

Sitting has short term as well as long term effects on our body and our health.

1. Reverse exercise effects

You do exercise because you want to keep yourself fit. But sitting whole day after exercise will cause a reverse effects on your body. Whatever hard work you have done will be wasted.

2. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

D.V.T. is a blood clot that occurs in your legs when you sit for a longer period of time. When this clot breaks it cuts blood flow to your lungs and other body parts. Some people may notice swelling but others get to know after very long time.

3. Back pain

Your spine is supposed to be straight. when you sit your spine gets curved and it puts lot of stress on your back.Along with your back, your shoulder as well as your neck also gets stiff. So get up and walk a little bit after every time interval of 30 minutes.

4. Weight gain

Sitting for long time also leads to increase in body fats. Even if you are doing exercise and then getting rest the whole day will make no difference in your body instead you will gain more weight. To process the food you eat, you need to move your body.

5. Varicose veins

Sitting for long period of time leads to varicose veins in your legs. It means blood will get accumulated in your legs and your veins will look bulgy. This is not a serious issue but it doesn't look good either.

6. Weak bones

If you don't move your lower body gets stiff. It becomes inactive which may leads to problem like osteoporosis which means weakening of bones. People with weak bones are unable to perform even their daily tasks like taking a bath, using the toilet, unable to walk even a mile etc.

Bottom Line

According to studies long term effects of sitting also includes heart disease and diabetes.

Human body is designed to move not to sit. Muscles stay healthy when we use them.

By standing for at-least 3 hours a day, a person can burn up to 30,000 of extra calories. As standing requires energy, daily standing for some time increases your energy and productivity level.


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