6 best foods for building muscles

6 best foods for building muscles

Muscles are bundles of fibrous tissues in a human body that has ability to contract and produce movement.

Main functions of muscles are they allow movement like walking, running and swimming.

They also keeps the body in correct posture and protects internal organ.

Why you need to build muscles?

Some of the reasons to build your muscle mass are-

  • To get stronger
  • To lower your risk of injury
  • To boost your bone density
  • To improve your joints
  • To improve metabolism
  • To give you shape

Foods to increase muscle mass are

1. Tuna

Tuna is the best source of protein with almost zero fats.

It contains essential amino acids required for growth and maintenance of lean muscle tissues.

It is also good source of Omega-3 fatty acids.

2. Chicken

Chicken has very high protein content and it helps in building muscles.

Apart from protein, chicken is rich in calcium and phosphorus which helps to keep your bones healthy.

3. Eggs

Eggs are good source of protein and they are also inexpensive.

They are rich in vitamin D, selenium,  B12, B6 and minerals like zinc, iron and copper.

one boiled egg contains 8.4 gram protein, 5.7 gram fats, 84 calories and 1.6 gram saturated fats.

4. Oatmeal

Oats contain right amount of protein which helps in building muscles.

They also contains right amount of carbs to strengthen and repair your muscles.

Oats contain 66% carbohydrate, 17% protein and 7% fats.

5. wholegrain

wholegrain contains protein for muscle building and strength.

Zinc for maintaining muscles.

Magnesium for muscle repair and to release energy.

Vitamin B to improve energy, fight fatigue and maintaining healthy mind in terms of concentration and learning.

6. Milk

Milk is one of the best muscle food on the earth.

Milk promotes in muscle gaining and reducing body fats.

Consuming milk after workout helps in repairing damage caused by exercise.

The protein in milk is about 20 percent whey and 80 percent casein and both are high quality proteins.

Bottom line

With all these above foods, regular exercise is also necessary to build your muscles.

High protein foods are important for muscle building but don''t forget to include carbohydrates, fats and fiber in your diet as they are also important.

There is no one food that helps muscle gain. Eating the right food at right time is very important.

Muscle gain is all about taking more nutrients than you used up along with regular exercise.


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