8 Foods that keep you hydrated in this summer
8 Foods that keep you hydrated in this summer
Hydration occurs when water intake of your body reduces below the normal level.
Dehydration that cause 2% of body weight loss effects your mental and physical performance. It may leads to nausea, hypo tension, diarrhea, seizure, vomiting and coma.
A nearly clear or light colored urine indicated that a person is well hydrated.
When you do any kind of workout especially during summer most of your body fluids are lost due to sweating. Excessive sweating occurs when you do workout in hot climate. These lost body fluids needs to be replaced frequently and immediately. So you need to stay hydrated during exercise and replace lost fluids after exercise.
Water is the best option against dehydration and there is no replacement for it but you can try below mentioned food in your diet to fight against dehydration.
There is no exact figure of how much water intake is necessary. But according to doctors a male adult should consume at-least 4 litres of water daily and a female adult should consume at-least 3 litres of water daily.
This article contains foods that have at-least 90 percent of water in them.
1. Cucumbers
They are also rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium.
2. Celery
They are rich in calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, sodium and potassium.
3. Watermelon
Watermelons are rich in antioxidants and they also contains vitamin C, fiber and manganese.
4. Strawberry
5. Cantaloupe (sweet-melon or muskmelon)
They are rich in vitamin A and fiber.
6. Oranges
They are rich in vitamin c and potassium.
7. Tomatoes
They are rich in vitamin A and vitamin C.
8. Bell pepper
They are rich in vitamin B and potassium. They also contains antioxidants.
Bottom line
Keeping yourself hydrated is most important and it should always be your top priority. It is a part of your overall health.
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