13 best motivation tips for exercise

13 best motivation tips for exercise

Just planning of doing any exercise makes us exited but that excitement level doesn't last all the time.

For few weeks you will feel that excitement but soon you realize that what was keeping you motivated before for doing exercise is suddenly nowhere to found.

From inside you always wants to make exercise your daily routine that's why you are searching for something that drives you towards it or something that always gets you moving.

Like an athlete, whose motivation comes from a desire to compete and win. Some people gets motivated by their desire to live healthy life and some others by their desire to lose weight. But sometimes this goal is not enough to drive you towards exercise.

There are many reasons why you feel demotivated. But one of the main reasons you don't feel like doing exercise is your body pain which occurs after doing exercise. This pain lasts for an hour a day or a week. This pain mostly triggers in the morning.

What happens when we feel tired or feel demotivated for exercise

Slow in movements:- When you feel tired or demotivated and still you try to do exercise your movements become slow. Your body doesn't respond to your exercise.

Taking too much rest between exercise:- When you don't want to do exercise you try to take rest after short intervals. Your attention will always be at cough or sofa or chair. You will feel like taking break now and then.

Incomplete movements:- You start doing something, and then you leave it in half just because you are unable to do it properly or you are feeling depressed or you are tired.

Giving less trouble or pain to your body while doing exercise which also means doing lite exercise just for name sake.

Paying attention towards the pain which occurs while practicing.

Skipping exercise:- Skipping some parts or your exercise or skipping whole exercise just because you are tired, you don't feel like doing it, this activity left you with pain, feeling sleepy etc. These are all excuses which you try to give yourself and they will only satisfy your ego.

Diverting attention:- Doing any activity requires lot of concentration. If you are busy looking at others practice, when will you do yours.

13 ways to motivate yourself to exercise are

1. Ask yourself why you are doing this:- This is the first thing you have to do before starting any activity. It will keep you motivated all the time. Just write it down in a diary and read it whenever you feel down.

2. Listen to music:- Research proves that music increases stamina for exercise and push you towards your exhaustion limits. Your exercise efficiency increases when you listen to music. You can download couple of workout music whichever you like and listen to it.

3. Push yourself by doing little little tasks:-  When you feel like skipping workout, tell yourself that you just have to do 10 minutes workout of warm-up. Its not that hard. 10 minutes will go just like that. Once you are done with that, tell yourself that you can do a little bit more like one or two sets of push-ups or stomach. Push yourself to do little more and more. Lastly you can say, just a few things are remaining lets complete it.

4. Set goals:- Set goals that have measurable outcome. It should be something that excites you. Start from setting small goals like improvement in push-ups or stretching, increasing count of squats etc.

5. Don't think twice:- Once you decide to exercise don't think twice as it will only mess up with your goals. For example "My body is paining, I will exercise tomorrow" or  "I am feeling sleepy, I will do it another time of the day". These are called excuses and they comes automatically, because we are not athletes who don't have any other choice than exercise. We have choices and its up to us whether we want to make exercise our daily routine or not.

6. Track your success:- Always maintain a diary and mark with different highlighter mentioning your daily exercise and healthy diet which you have followed. You can also reward yourself as it will surely increase your motivation.

7. Write how you feel after each workout:- Writing how you feel after each workout will help you a lot. whenever you feel low on motivation open your diary and read your feelings. It really works because after reading you will be knowing that at the end of the workout you will feel the same amazing feeling.

8. Feel yourself as an athlete:- Whenever you exercise, do it like a professional even if you are not like that.

9. Follow healthy Diet:-Following healthy diet balances your life with exercise and also its a great mood booster.

10. Focus on your exercise:- Too many things are going on in our mind on daily basis. This is one of the main reason why a person is unable to focus on what he or she is doing. Focus is most important in any activity so that it is performed properly with proper techniques.

11. Submerge yourself in exercise:- Whenever you want to do something, do it by sinking deeply into that activity. It helps you from getting diverted. It also improves your performance.

12. Look at pros not on cons:- As a beginner or intermediate you may face problems sticking to the routine, but once you overcome all your problems you reach towards professionalism in this field. First step in this journey is that you should always look at the positive side instead of looking at negative one.

13. Rotational exercise:- Divide your whole workout in small sets and then follow different sets combination on different days. It will motivate you and boost your mood.

Bottom line

Don't betray yourself by giving excuses. Always remember you are doing all these for yourself and not to impress others.

Maintain self discipline.

Don't pay attention at the pain which you have to go through because of exercise. It occurs instantly and only lasts for some time.

Advantages of exercise on your body can only be seen slowly. You have to be patient.

As a beginner you can do exercise on alternate days or thrice a week, its alright until you get on track.


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