
why do I sweat a lot during exercise?

why do I sweat a lot during exercise? During exercise, you burn out lot of calories which generates heat. This heat increases your body temperature. In order to protect your core temperature from rising at dangerous levels, your body tries to cool itself in the form of sweat. It's a clear salty liquid that comes out of your body through sweat glands. Sweating is a normal healthy response to the heating of the body and its completely normal. The most common spots of sweat are underarms, palms, soles and forehead because they have highest density of sweat glands. Your back has lower density of sweat gland, but they may perspire first because these glands are quickest to responds to your brain signals at time of heat or stress. Sweating depends on climatic conditions, intensity of exercise and your body. Excessive sweating leads to decrease in your performance, discomfort and muscle cramps. Technical term for excessive sweating is hyperhidrosis. Everyone sweats at diffe

5 solutions for sore muscles after workout

5 solutions for sore muscles after workout Getting sore muscles after the exercise is a good sign that you are getting stronger. Normal aches and pains are only indications that muscles are adjusting to your fitness plan. But sometimes painful muscles may hamper your exercise programs, particularly when you do push-ups or running. Sore muscles can occur when you do high intensity workouts or try something new in your workout routine. Muscle pain is induced by micro-tears in the muscles. These tears are typically the result of activity or overexertion of those muscles, sometimes you may see it is related to as DOMS (delayed onset muscle pain). DOMS remain for 12 to 24 hours after action and vanishes within two to three days. Once you allow to recover muscle fiber, the muscles end up stronger than before. Teaching how to manage painful muscles can help you for your next exercise. So lets discuss how to prevent or mitigate muscle pain, allowing you to train more freq

10 effective exercise in 10 minutes to lose face fats

10 effective exercise in 10 minutes to lose face fats Are you facing the problem of puffy face or puffy cheeks? Are you gaining weight? You don't like to see your face in mirror? or You don't like to click pictures of yourself ? Face fats are fats that gets accumulated on or around your face like your jaws, cheeks, under the chin and neck. These fats occurs due to several reasons like weight gain, ageing, hormonal and genetic problem. So if you think that obesity is the only reason for puffy face then you are wrong. Your face has muscles which hold's your skin tight. If they are weak or if their elasticity decreases, your skin will fall of your face. So you need to do something to tone your face. So does it mean that you will not get your dream face? No you are wrong. There are several ways which can help you to slim your face. Here I will tell you some effective workout which will take 10 minutes of your daily routine , which you can do at your comf

What to eat before, during and after exercise

What to eat before, during and after exercise whatever you eat before, during and after exercise not only effects your performance but also your overall health. Eating right food at right time is very important to make sure it doesn't mess up with your digestive system and your energy levels. Before exercise you need lot of energy and wants to keep that energy stable during exercise, and after exercise all you need is to recover yourself from wear and tear. You need to make a diet chart depending upon your workout type, its duration and how vigorous its going to be. If your exercise is for 1 hour or less, you will need less amount of energy that workout which are of high intensity and lasts for 1 to 3 hours. There are different foods that helps you at different stages of your workout. Foods to eat before exercise Pre-exercise meals should provide high energy, keeps you from feeling hungry, power your muscles and prevents blood sugar loss. Different peop

11 Energy rich food for athletes

11 Energy rich food for athletes When you perform any kind of exercise, the most important thing that you need is energy. Your performance will improve if you have adequate amount of energy.  Your productivity will decrease if your energy level is low. You will feel tired all the time and will not be able to concentrate.   Food plays a very important role in determining you energy levels. Almost all food gives you energy. Just like car need fuel to run, your body needs food to perform better.  Some food contains nutrients that helps increase your energy levels and maintain your alertness and focus throughout the day. Now the question is how to get more energy from food and which food gives you instant energy. 1. Fruits like apple and banana These are popular food among athletes. They provide instant energy if you have less time before workout. Apple contains natural sugar and fiber. It has high content of antioxidant which slows down digestion of

5 Mistakes while trying to loose weight

5 Mistakes while trying to loose weight Loosing weight sometimes becomes very tough. You think that you are following everything but still you are not getting desired results. Most of the times it depends on the type of diet plan you are following.  Here we will discuss about common mistakes people make while trying to loose weight Skipping Meals This is the most common mistake people do these days while trying to loose weight.  You think that skipping meals will help you to loose weight, but you are unaware of the fact that skipping meal will cause an adverse effect on your body.  Meals provide us energy to do our daily work. They keep our internal body parts functional.  If you skip meal your energy level will go down, you will feel dull all the time. Your metabolism will slow down in trying to preserve limited energy, making it harder for you to loose weight. On a long run it may affect your digestion and absorption.  Also cutting your favorit

Discipline in eating

Discipline in eating! Weight loss formula It is possible to get required changes, by making your body habitual of following balanced diet and control over eating. Weight increases automatically, when bodily fats increases. When chatting with friends dialog's like "you look fat" , "you used to be thin before" or "I want to reduce my weight" easily comes out. Reducing weight and staying fit has became an important goal of our life. While cooking food pay special attention at fat rich kind of food's, whose intake should be reduce as much as possible. Fist of all, you mindset should be like your food will taste good even if you use less oil. Baking, grilling and steaming are better option on frying. Give priority to shallow fry rather than deep fry. Try experimenting on different vegetables with combination of different spices to taste better. By doing this you will enjoy your food. Tip 1 : Instead of Butter Nan eat Roti, use Honey i