10 effective exercise in 10 minutes to lose face fats

10 effective exercise in 10 minutes to lose face fats

pout face

Are you facing the problem of puffy face or puffy cheeks? Are you gaining weight? You don't like to see your face in mirror? or You don't like to click pictures of yourself ?

Face fats are fats that gets accumulated on or around your face like your jaws, cheeks, under the chin and neck. These fats occurs due to several reasons like weight gain, ageing, hormonal and genetic problem. So if you think that obesity is the only reason for puffy face then you are wrong.

Your face has muscles which hold's your skin tight. If they are weak or if their elasticity decreases, your skin will fall of your face. So you need to do something to tone your face.

So does it mean that you will not get your dream face? No you are wrong.

There are several ways which can help you to slim your face.

Here I will tell you some effective workout which will take 10 minutes of your daily routine , which you can do at your comfort i.e. anywhere and anytime. But you have to make sure to follow them regularly to get effective results. You can also increase your time of exercise but don't hurt your facial muscles till it pains. Make sure you enjoy this workout.

Warm Up

Before doing any exercise you should warm up. It's a rule which you have to follow. Sit straight on chair or stand straight. Then do neck exercise by twisting it upward-downward, sideways, rotating right to left and vice versa [ each 2-3 times ].

1. Smile


As everyone says "Smile is the best medicine in the world". Its also applicable here.
Here you have to keep your mouth closed and smile as long as you can. Hold it for 15 seconds and then relax for next 15 seconds and then repeat it one more time.

2. Vowels like O

Take a deep breathe from your nose. Hold it for a seconds. Make O shape by curving your lips and blow air out from your mouth. Repeat this 10 times.

3. Vowels like U

Take a deep breathe from your nose. Hold it for a second. Spell letter U by blowing air out from your mouth. Repeat this for 10 times.

4. Pout upward 

Press your lips together. pose like a kiss. Lift the pressed lips towards your nose. Press the cheeks inside. Hold it for 5 seconds and then relax. Look at the sky like you are showing pout in the sky. Do this 5-10 times.

5. Kiss


Pose like a kiss by holding your lips a little away from your face. look up and kiss. hold it for 5 seconds and relax. Repeat it one or two times.
Repeat the same procedure but now downwards by looking down.
Repeat the same steps for left-side and right-side, but this time don't turn your face. Hold your face still and just turn your lips in both direction.

6. Puff up face by taking in air

Take in some air by your mouth. Puff up your cheeks. hold for some seconds. Move the air from your right cheek to left cheek, hold it and then relax. Repeat these steps 2-3 times.

7. Tongue out exercise

tongue out

Open your mouth, take your tongue out and try to touch your chin by your tongue. repeat this 2-3 times.

8. Jaw exercise- push lower lip up

close your mouth. now push your lower lip above your upper lip, stretch from both corner of your lips and then relax. Repeat this steps 2-3 times.

9. Open mouth - push both lips inside by hiding teeth

Open your mouth and push both your lips inside by hiding your teeth and press your chin by your index finger by applying the pressure against your chin. Relax. Repeat this process 2-3 times.

10. Neck massage

neck massage

Look up. massage your neck by your your palms. Use both your palm fingers. Start from upward to downward. Repeat these for 10 times and then relax.

If you follow these simple facial exercise regularly, I am damn sure you will notice difference in your face. If done regularly they helps to strengthen the muscles of your face, reduce appearance of wrinkles, solves double chin problem, slim down your jaws and uplifts your cheeks.

However, if you have some dental issues or if these exercises are very painful to you, then consult your doctor.

Have a happy slim face!

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