Discipline in eating

Discipline in eating! Weight loss formula

It is possible to get required changes, by making your body habitual of following balanced diet and control over eating. Weight increases automatically, when bodily fats increases.

When chatting with friends dialog's like "you look fat" , "you used to be thin before" or "I want to reduce my weight" easily comes out. Reducing weight and staying fit has became an important goal of our life.

While cooking food pay special attention at fat rich kind of food's, whose intake should be reduce as much as possible. Fist of all, you mindset should be like your food will taste good even if you use less oil.
Baking, grilling and steaming are better option on frying. Give priority to shallow fry rather than deep fry.
Try experimenting on different vegetables with combination of different spices to taste better. By doing this you will enjoy your food.

Tip 1: Instead of Butter Nan eat Roti, use Honey instead of Mayonnaise

Mood Talks

Not eating for longer time is hazardous to your health, in the same way eating too much at one sitting should also be avoided. Eating at short time intervals gives required nutrition to your body.

Tip 2
If your mood is not good, then avoid eating anything as there is a possibility that you will eat more. Deep breathing practice, meeting with friends, reading books, cinema outing helps you to reduce stress of your mind.

Plan beforehand

In the mid time, if you feels like eating something the first thing you will do is put your head in the fridge and eat whatever you get. That's why plan beforehand and eat. Stock your fridge with fruits, salad so that you can make sandwich easily.

Stay away from tempting things

Give relaxation to your mobile, television and computer while having lunch or dinner. It will help you to focus on what you are eating.

Tip 3 
Place of eating food should be fixed. Eat slowly and enjoy your food.

Disciplined mind

Exercising daily is very important for your health. Avoid doing "I feel a desire of eating, so i eat too much". Keeping control on your mouth is in your hands. Take only required amount of food in your plate and finish it.

Teeth Work

Whenever you put something in your mouth, chew it at-least 32 times. As it helps to improve your digestion.

Physic work

Sit straight while having lunch or dinner.

Water Intake

Drinking plenty of water is good for digestion, but you should know when to drink it. If you want to reduce weight drink plenty of water half hour before having lunch or dinner.
Don't drink water when you are having lunch/dinner.
After lunch/dinner don't drink water directly, i.e wait for some time like 20-30 minutes and then drink.

Tip 4
Understand the difference between hunger and greed. keep duration between feel like eating and direct eating as it could be costlier to you.

Eat healthy, Stay healthy!!


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