11 Energy rich food for athletes

11 Energy rich food for athletes

When you perform any kind of exercise, the most important thing that you need is energy. Your performance will improve if you have adequate amount of energy. 

Your productivity will decrease if your energy level is low. You will feel tired all the time and will not be able to concentrate.  

Food plays a very important role in determining you energy levels. Almost all food gives you energy.
Just like car need fuel to run, your body needs food to perform better. 

Some food contains nutrients that helps increase your energy levels and maintain your alertness and focus throughout the day.

Now the question is how to get more energy from food and which food gives you instant energy.

1. Fruits like apple and banana

These are popular food among athletes. They provide instant energy if you have less time before workout.

Apple contains natural sugar and fiber. It has high content of antioxidant which slows down digestion of carbohydrate and release sustained energy over a long period.

On the other hand banana contains carbohydrates, vitamin B6 and potassium which helps to boost energy levels instantly.

 They also helps in improving digestion power.

2. Eggs

Eggs are rich source of selenium, vitamin D, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and minerals such as iron, zinc and copper.

They are very good source of protein and provide stable energy levels.

3. Yogurt

Yogurt provides protein which helps for workout recovery, calcium for bone strength and vitamin D for calcium absorption.

They also improves digestion and promote gut health.

They provide instant ready to use energy.

4. Lentils

Lentils contain protein, carbohydrates, B vitamins, minerals and antioxidant. It provides you steady energy during workout.

Lentils helps to heal from wear and tear of body which happens during exercise and also helps to  replenish nutrients used up during exercise.  

5. Oatmeal

Oat contains high level of fiber, carbohydrates and it has low glycemic index (GI level). It is also a good source of protein.

 It provides sustainable level of energy into the bloodstream.

Oats are also rich in vitamins and minerals which helps energy production.

Oats in the form of energy bar helps athletes to carry it wherever they go for competitions.

They are easy to digest and provides fast energy.

6. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate has high content of cocoa that is rich in flavanols. Flavanols are powerful antioxidant.

Dark chocolate boost oxygen intake during workout which helps athletes to perform better.

It also improves mood as it contains caffeine.

7. White Rice

White Rice acts as primary source of carbohydrate which provides quick energy and glycogen replenishment.

Athletes are not trying to lose weight and requires lot of carbohydrates to fuel their body.

They are essential for physical training.

8. Water

Water keeps you hydrated and helps in good performance.

Athletes need more fluids due to excessive sweat loss from exercise.

Intake of fluids depends upon many factors like the type of exercise you are doing, how much you sweat, how much you have eaten, your weight/height, and the weather outside.

Water is best fluid to drink before, during and after exercise.

If you are doing intensely high workout you can drink water with electrolytes and sports drink.

9. Sweet Potato

A medium size sweet potato contains around 24 grams of carbs. It is amazing source of complex carbs. 

Sweet potatoes are slowly digested and provide steady dose of energy throughout the day. 

Sweet potatoes are rich source of manganese which helps in break down of nutrients to produce energy. 

10. Leafy green vegetables

Leafy green vegetables such as spinach is a good source of energy.

It improves muscles strength and helps in boost athletes performance.

It is rich in calcium, magnesium and iron, some people call spinach a "Superfood".

11. Sugarcane juice

Sugarcane juice is a great source of simple sugar which will help you in replenishing lost energy and helps you against dehydration. Its a 100% natural juice.

It contains energy, vitamin A, Vitamin B1, carbohydrate, potassium and calcium.

It eases digestive system and helps in developing bones.


There are many different variety of food which provides you energy, some of which are mentioned above.
If you want more energy or if you feel weak and needs instant energy include these foods in your diet.


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