5 solutions for sore muscles after workout

5 solutions for sore muscles after workout

Sore muscles

Getting sore muscles after the exercise is a good sign that you are getting stronger. Normal aches and pains are only indications that muscles are adjusting to your fitness plan. But sometimes painful muscles may hamper your exercise programs, particularly when you do push-ups or running.

Sore muscles can occur when you do high intensity workouts or try something new in your workout routine.

Muscle pain is induced by micro-tears in the muscles. These tears are typically the result of activity or overexertion of those muscles, sometimes you may see it is related to as DOMS (delayed onset muscle pain). DOMS remain for 12 to 24 hours after action and vanishes within two to three days. Once you allow to recover muscle fiber, the muscles end up stronger than before.

Teaching how to manage painful muscles can help you for your next exercise. So lets discuss how to prevent or mitigate muscle pain, allowing you to train more frequently and keep progressing.

1. Poor posture

Sometimes you try to protect your sore muscle area when you exercise, so that you won't get more pain,  which leads to poor posture. Poor posture puts lot of stress on other body areas.
Exercising with good body posture and technique will work the muscles in balanced manner and reduce the chance of injury.

2. Stretching

Stretching is best natural treatment for sore muscles. Many people stretch before and after workout to prevent sore muscles. But stretching only reduces muscles pain, you may not get complete relief from it.

3. Applying ice

Applying an ice pack to the muscles immediately after exercise or 24 hours later helps in reducing pain. Massage your sore muscles for 10 minutes with ice packs.

4. Foam rolling

It means massaging a muscle on top of a foam roller. It decreases muscle pain and improve muscle strength recovery.

5. Acupuncture

Acupuncture after workout helps to reduce muscle pain.

Apart from all the above solutions, you need to keep yourself hydrated before, during and after workout. This is because dehydration is also one of the reason for muscle soreness. 
If our soreness last for a week or if it is unbearable then you need to consult your doctor.

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