5 Mistakes while trying to loose weight

5 Mistakes while trying to loose weight

Loosing weight sometimes becomes very tough. You think that you are following everything but still you are not getting desired results. Most of the times it depends on the type of diet plan you are following. 

Here we will discuss about common mistakes people make while trying to loose weight

Skipping Meals

This is the most common mistake people do these days while trying to loose weight. 

You think that skipping meals will help you to loose weight, but you are unaware of the fact that skipping meal will cause an adverse effect on your body. 

Meals provide us energy to do our daily work. They keep our internal body parts functional. 

If you skip meal your energy level will go down, you will feel dull all the time. Your metabolism will slow down in trying to preserve limited energy, making it harder for you to loose weight. On a long run it may affect your digestion and absorption. 

Also cutting your favorite 'bad' food completely leads to serious cravings and giving up your diet altogether. 

On the other hand you will always feels like eating, and you end up overeating.

So make sure you follow balanced diet and eat regularly, especially breakfast, as you gain most of your energy from the morning food. 

Allow yourself a cheat meal once or twice a week which will satisfy your cravings while allowing you to stay on track with your diet.

Overeating healthy food

When you are on diet you always try to eat healthy food. As they are good for your health, you think that eating more wont hurt you. Even if they are healthy, they leads you to gain more weight. calories are still calories even if they belongs to nutrient rich foods.

Foods like nuts, avocados, brown rice, quinoa etc are pretty rich in calories. 

Unbalanced exercise

Exercising too much or not performing any exercise can effect your weight loss plan. 

If you're not performing any exercises it may lead you to gain weight as you are only concentrating on your diet, which includes healthy food from which you are likely to loose more muscle mass and experience a decrease in metabolic rate.

Exercising prevents your metabolism from slowing down. It becomes easier to loose weight and maintain the weight loss. 

However, overexercising can cause problems. It may leads you to stress as it is unsustainable for most people and you will feel tired the whole day. 

Trying to force your body to burn more calories by exercising too much is neither effective nor healthy.

However, lifting weight and doing cardio is a sustainable strategy for weight loss. 

Avoiding Fats completely

Fats may leads to gain weight, but they are important part of your diet. They are important for brain health, heart health, gut health and provide supplement to your skin. Many vitamins can only be absorbed by your body in the presence of fats.

You must includes fatty acids in your diet through foods like fatty fish, walnut, seeds,avocados and eggs. Foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids are vital for many body functions.

Avoid eating saturated fats, butter, mayonnaise etc. 

Unrealistic expectation

Having unrealistic expectation of loosing more weight in less time period may lead you to drop out of the program after 6 - 12 months. 

Your expectation should be real like little bit decrease in your weight. It prevents you from getting discouraged and increase your chances of success.

Feel free to share your experience with us in the comment section below!


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