Foods effecting bone health

Foods affecting bone health

Your body continuously produces new bones and replaces older ones. This process is faster at younger age but as you grow older you lose more bone mass than you gain.

Bone mass is the amount of minerals mostly calcium and phosphorous in certain volume of bone.
Bone mass is used to diagnose osteoporosis disease.

Osteoporosis is a bone disease which occur when your body uses too much bone tissue resulting in weak and brittle bones.

Your bones becomes so weak that they could break easily even after a simple sneeze or a fall.

There are certain foods that helps to keep your bones stronger and healthier. If you want to know then read this article "Calcium Rich Food For Stronger Bones ". This article will also tell you in what quantity these food should be consumed on daily basis.

In order to protect your bones from getting weaker you need to avoid or limit certain kind of food. Let's discuss which food are bad for your bones.

High sodium food

The higher your salt intake is , the more calcium you lose.
According to W.H.O. , and adult should consume less than 5 grams (teaspoon) of salt per day.
Avoid eating processed and salty food.

Sugary food

Sugar spikes glucose level in your body. Your body is unable to decompose that suddenly increased glucose. This causes acid in your body. In response your body automatically pulls calcium from your bones to neutralize the acidity in your blood. This leads to weaker bones.
Sugar also decreases absorption of calcium and magnesium and increases exertion through urine.
Your sugar consumption should be 2 (25-30 grams) tablespoon per day.


Soda reduces bone density and increases risk of bone fracture. These carbonated beverages interferes with calcium absorption process of your body, resulting in loss of calcium from bones. It also increases risk of hip fracture.


Caffeine includes drinks such as tea, coffee, energy drink and flavored beverages. They also reduces calcium absorption into your body and leads to weaker bones.


Alcohol is the enemy of bones. Excess alcohol kills bone making cells of your body. It also decreases bone formation and increases bone breakdown. 


Beans prevent your body from absorbing calcium. Pinto beans, navy beans and peas contain phytates in high levels. Phytates affect the body's ability to absorb calcium.
Phytates can be reduced by soaking the beans in water for at-least 3 hours before cooking.
Also sprouting of legumes causes phytate degradation.

Bottom line

Consuming calcium rich food is not enough for stronger bones, you have to limit intake of above mentioned foods from your diet.


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