
5 Mistakes while trying to loose weight

5 Mistakes while trying to loose weight Loosing weight sometimes becomes very tough. You think that you are following everything but still you are not getting desired results. Most of the times it depends on the type of diet plan you are following.  Here we will discuss about common mistakes people make while trying to loose weight Skipping Meals This is the most common mistake people do these days while trying to loose weight.  You think that skipping meals will help you to loose weight, but you are unaware of the fact that skipping meal will cause an adverse effect on your body.  Meals provide us energy to do our daily work. They keep our internal body parts functional.  If you skip meal your energy level will go down, you will feel dull all the time. Your metabolism will slow down in trying to preserve limited energy, making it harder for you to loose weight. On a long run it may affect your digestion and absorption.  Also cutting your favorit

Discipline in eating

Discipline in eating! Weight loss formula It is possible to get required changes, by making your body habitual of following balanced diet and control over eating. Weight increases automatically, when bodily fats increases. When chatting with friends dialog's like "you look fat" , "you used to be thin before" or "I want to reduce my weight" easily comes out. Reducing weight and staying fit has became an important goal of our life. While cooking food pay special attention at fat rich kind of food's, whose intake should be reduce as much as possible. Fist of all, you mindset should be like your food will taste good even if you use less oil. Baking, grilling and steaming are better option on frying. Give priority to shallow fry rather than deep fry. Try experimenting on different vegetables with combination of different spices to taste better. By doing this you will enjoy your food. Tip 1 : Instead of Butter Nan eat Roti, use Honey i

Diet of Buddhas

Diet of Buddhas on what to eat Buddhist follows a very strict diet plans. They has lot of dietary restrictions and food traditions. Most of us are curious to know their dietary habits, but are unable to found any. So here I am going to explain you about Buddhist diet. Overview of Buddhism Siddhartha Gautama ("Buddha"), founded Buddhism in the 4th-5th century B.C. Today Buddhism is followed all over the world. There are many types of Buddhism in existence and they differ in their teachings and dietary practices. Buddhist Restrictions on diet One of the teaching says that killing animals is against their religion, so they don't consume animals. They consume dairy product(lacto-vegetarian diet) but excludes eggs, poultry, fish and meat from their diet. Some Buddhist consumes meat and other animal products, as long as animals aren't slaughtered specifically for them. They also prohibits consumption of alcohol as it cloud's t

Fitness app to workout at home during lockdown

Fitness app to workout at home during lockdown               Due to lockdown all the gyms, yoga center, training center  have been closed due to which you are finding it difficult to keep up with your daily workout routine.                There are many ways through which you can continue your daily routine even at home. But how you are going to stay motivated all the time. Here we are going to discuss about fitness app's.               There are many apps available on the internet which helps you to do workout at home and even keep you motivated all the time.               These apps helps you to manage your workout schedule daily. They have lot of different workouts which you can do anywhere and anytime.They help you to keep track of all your activities and to achieve your desired fitness goals. I have mentioned some of the best fitness apps for you. Adidas Training app FITON app Fitify Workout app JEFIT workout app My Virtual Mi

Lets discuss about diet!

Guys,            There are lot of things on internet about diet. People who want to be slim or want to stay slim follow different diet plans. These diet plans works on some people and they get results very soon, well they may not work on some people. They end up saying that these diet plan's and all are bullshit. The reason why these diet plans doesn't work on some people depends on lot of condition's like hereditary, eating habits, hormone's etc. It also depends on which part of world you are living like environmental conditions, lifestyle, surroundings, etc. Some books mention diet plans which are effective but they depend on foreign lifestyle. There is a whole subject on this topic, but we can't discuss it here. Simplest way to follow your diet is eat whatever is available in your part of country. It doesn't mean outside junk food, it means food made at home. Your meal should be 4-6 times a day(includes 2 big meal + 2/4 small meals). It also includ

My Daily Routine is not yet over!

Guys....sometimes we can't just follow the same routine again and again..We get bored very soon. Sometimes we need changes. Change is a part of our life and everyone deserves that. Don't worry....It will not break your daily routing. But helps you in reconstructing it, helps you to energize charge yourself.  you don't have to follow the same routine daily. You can add extra things or skip some things.  Let me explain you how??                          If you have read my previous blog about my daily routine, you will understand it better.  In the morning time you can do meditation. You can do fitness workout twice a day. You can try new recipe's. You can watch movie in evening time. You can read books. If you are a student... You can study in morning time..Then workout...Then again Study...Then again workout... Workout helps to boost your concentration, your focus, etc..We will discuss about this advantages later in our

What to do during lockdown??

Hey guys....                    Everyone is aware that corona virus is hitting the whole world and our country is also facing the same problems. It's a period of LOCKDOWN in whole nation. No one is allowed to move out of their houses unless there is any kind of emergency or for life essential things. Not the most important question is... What to do....while sitting at home????? What should be our daily routine?? How to stick on to the routing which we decide?? Now let's discuss about first 2 questions.....                   Lot of contents are available on the internet which tells you about what should be done during lockdown,  how should be your daily routing etc etc. Today I am going to share my daily routing with you, which I am following from last 10 days... 1. I get up at 8 AM 2. I get ready by 10:00 AM 3. I work on laptop for 2-3 hours 4. I help my mom in cooking food. 5. Lunch from 2 pm to 2:30 pm 6. After that I watch mo