Diet of Buddhas

Diet of Buddhas on what to eat

Buddhist follows a very strict diet plans. They has lot of dietary restrictions and food traditions.
Most of us are curious to know their dietary habits, but are unable to found any.

So here I am going to explain you about Buddhist diet.

Overview of Buddhism

Siddhartha Gautama ("Buddha"), founded Buddhism in the 4th-5th century B.C. Today Buddhism is followed all over the world.

There are many types of Buddhism in existence and they differ in their teachings and dietary practices.

Buddhist Restrictions on diet

One of the teaching says that killing animals is against their religion, so they don't consume animals.

They consume dairy product(lacto-vegetarian diet) but excludes eggs, poultry, fish and meat from their diet.

Some Buddhist consumes meat and other animal products, as long as animals aren't slaughtered specifically for them.
They also prohibits consumption of alcohol as it cloud's the mind and lead you to break religious rules.
But some traditional ceremonies incorporate alcohol. 

Some Buddhist avoid consuming strong smelling plants like garlic, onion, chives, leeks and shallot. According to them these vegetables are thought to increase sexual desire when eaten cooked and anger when eaten raw.

Some buddhist abstain themselves from food from noon until the dawn of following days in order to practice self control.

Buddhist diet pros and cons


Buddhist plant based diet includes fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, legumes and beans. they may also include animal products.
These diet provides antioxidant, phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals and fiber 
which helps to decrease risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain type of cancer. 

Buddhist who follows plant based diet for 10-30 years has less body fats compared to others.

In a 4 day study in 11 overweight adults, those fasting for 18 hours has better sugar control and increased expression of genes involved in autophagy- a process that replace damaged cells with healthy ones.


Vegetarian diets restricts from certain nutrients which we get from animal products, therefore they need to be planned carefully.

They have lower levels of iron and vitamin B12, which can cause anemia, a condition characterized by lack of oxygen carrying red blood cells.

Vegetarians may also lack from nutrients like Vitamin D, Omega 3 fatty acids and Zinc.

Consuming your entire calorie diet before noon is very difficult and can also interfere with your other priority work. 

Foods to eat

  • Dairy products: yogurt, cheese and milk
  • Grains: bread, oatmeal, quinoa and rice
  • Fruits: apples, bananas, berries, grapes, oranges and peaches
  • Vegetables: broccoli, tomatoes, green beans, cucumber, zucchini, asparagus and peppers
  • Starchy vegetables: potatoes, corn, peas ans cassavas
  • Legumes: chickpea, kidney beans, pinto beans, black beans and lentils
  • Nuts: almonds, walnuts, pecan and pistachios
  • Oils: olive oil, flax seed oil and canola oil  

Foods to avoid

  • Meats: beef, veal, pork and lamb
  • Fish: salmon, herring, cod, tilapia, trout and tuna
  • Eggs and poultry: eggs, chicken, turkey, duck and quail
  • Pungent vegetables and spices: onions, garlic, scallions, chives and leeks
  • Alcohol: beer, wine, and spirits
Buddhist are specific to their diet, but they also say that their diet is flexible for those who wish to follow certain aspects of their religion.


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