
My Daily Routine is not yet over!

Guys....sometimes we can't just follow the same routine again and again..We get bored very soon. Sometimes we need changes. Change is a part of our life and everyone deserves that. Don't worry....It will not break your daily routing. But helps you in reconstructing it, helps you to energize charge yourself.  you don't have to follow the same routine daily. You can add extra things or skip some things.  Let me explain you how??                          If you have read my previous blog about my daily routine, you will understand it better.  In the morning time you can do meditation. You can do fitness workout twice a day. You can try new recipe's. You can watch movie in evening time. You can read books. If you are a student... You can study in morning time..Then workout...Then again Study...Then again workout... Workout helps to boost your concentration, your focus, etc..We will discuss about this advantages later in our

What to do during lockdown??

Hey guys....                    Everyone is aware that corona virus is hitting the whole world and our country is also facing the same problems. It's a period of LOCKDOWN in whole nation. No one is allowed to move out of their houses unless there is any kind of emergency or for life essential things. Not the most important question is... What to do....while sitting at home????? What should be our daily routine?? How to stick on to the routing which we decide?? Now let's discuss about first 2 questions.....                   Lot of contents are available on the internet which tells you about what should be done during lockdown,  how should be your daily routing etc etc. Today I am going to share my daily routing with you, which I am following from last 10 days... 1. I get up at 8 AM 2. I get ready by 10:00 AM 3. I work on laptop for 2-3 hours 4. I help my mom in cooking food. 5. Lunch from 2 pm to 2:30 pm 6. After that I watch mo

Tough Life.........Simple Tricks

Guys...Life is very TOUGH....Let's make it simple!!!!!! With some Tip's and Trick's......