
Home remedies to fight corona virus

Corona virus is a air born disease. It effects different people in different ways. Most of the people who are infected with this virus get recovered without hospitalization. Most common symptoms of this virus are fever, cough and sore throat. Currently there is no vaccine to treat corona virus disease. It is best to stay home to avoid getting infected, but what if you are the earner of your family? If you want to go in office or need to handle business which is not possible online then you have to go out.  In some cases social distancing is not even possible.  People with mild symptoms can treat themselves at home. However if your symptoms are worst then you need to consult a doctor. There are certain home remedies which you can follow regularly if you have to step out of your house or if someone from your house is going out.    1)Traditional Kadha Benefits: Ayurvedic kadha(drink) helps to fight cold, flu and infections. It helps you to fight with  bacteria and...

Decision Making in Daily Life: Why its is important?

  Along with physical fitness, mental fitness is also important. Decision making is a part of mental fitness. It defines how mentally strong you are.  This is a management level topic which is tough after one completes degree. This course is tough so that a person can take big decision related to any company or business. But do you know that we are taking decisions before even learning those skills, difference was that we were unaware about it and that's the reason we don't bother whether our decision are right or wrong, because we are unaware about decision making process. Mostly we depend on senior members of our family to take our decisions because of respect and of-course their experience. There is nothing wrong in that, but what if that person is incapable of taking decisions? or if that person is having half knowledge then it will make a big impact on your life and whole life you will blame that person. Do you think it is right?  People think that decision should me...

Be Cautious: Mistakes while doing push-ups

 Be Cautious: Mistakes while doing push-ups There are many type of push-ups one can try. They can be performed anywhere and at anytime. While doing push-up a person can do many mistakes and ends up injuring themselves.  Most people never get guidance about how to do push-up correctly and they end up complaining about the results. Many people doing push-ups for years are still unaware about the perfect way to do it. Push-ups seems easy to do, but there are certain things you need to keep in your mind while doing push-up.  These things not only help you to do push-ups perfectly in a right way but also help to avoid any injury which could occur. Things to keep in your mind are: 1) There should be chest level gap between both your hands, more or less gap will change the type of push-up you are doing along with the body part you are focusing. 2) Both hands should be beside your chest 3) As a beginner keep small gap between both your legs as it will help you to manage your bala...

Best Time of the day to drink water

Best Time of the day to drink water True saying " Water is not the source of life. It is life ", " Water runs life ". Just like car needs oil to work properly our body needs water so that it can function properly. One can stay without food but not without water. Well we all know that we have to drink at least eight to nine glasses of water daily and we also know the benefits of drinking water. We always keep water bottle or water jug near us so that we keep on drinking water. But do you know the optimal time to drink water? Do you know that drinking water at specific time intervals can help boost your overall health? So let's see the best time of the day to drink water. 1. Drink water after getting up in the morning  Always drink one or two glass of lukewarm water after getting up in the morning. Drinking water on an empty stomach helps to get rid of toxins from the body. It cleans, purifies and activates your internal body organs. ...

Breathing tricks while doing exercise

Breathing tricks while doing exercise Have you ever felt shortness of breathe while doing any sort of exercise. The feeling of gasping for air after doing any heavy work out. This condition is annoying as it doesn't allow you to practice further even if you want to. Some people think that they are weak others think that they are getting older. But do you know that proper breathing can reduce your problems to zero. You just need to focus on your breathing. It can help you to recover more quickly from high intensity workout. Your lungs brings oxygen to your body to provide you energy and remove carbon-dioxide. When you do exercise your heart pumps oxygen to your working muscles. When your muscles work harder, your body uses more oxygen and produces more carbon-dioxide. To withstand this demand, your breathing increases in order to provide more oxygen to your body. Your circulation also increases to take oxygen to the muscles so that they can work. So getting out of ...

Foods effecting bone health

Foods affecting bone health Your body continuously produces new bones and replaces older ones. This process is faster at younger age but as you grow older you lose more bone mass than you gain. Bone mass is the amount of minerals mostly calcium and phosphorous in certain volume of bone. Bone mass is used to diagnose osteoporosis disease. Osteoporosis is a bone disease which occur when your body uses too much bone tissue resulting in weak and brittle bones. Your bones becomes so weak that they could break easily even after a simple sneeze or a fall. There are certain foods that helps to keep your bones stronger and healthier. If you want to know then read this article "Calcium Rich Food For Stronger Bones " . This article will also tell you in what quantity these food should be consumed on daily basis. In order to protect your bones from getting weaker you need to avoid or limit certain kind of food. Let's discuss which food are bad for your bones. Hig...

Simple push ups to try at home and how to do them

Simple push ups to try at home and how to do them Push-ups is an exercise done by raising and lowering the body with the help of arms. Push-up strengthen muscles of your chest, forearms, biceps, triceps, shoulder, lower back and abdomen. This is the type of physical activity which is very simple and you can do it anytime and anywhere. It also required very less time. Normal push-ups Take distance in both your hands in such a way that your chest comes in middle and it will be easier for you to move your body up and down. Your head, your buttocks and your spine should be straight and neutral. Your core, your hips and your thighs should be tight. Take distance in both your legs because if you keep your legs close to each other you will have to put lot of strength and stability in your push-ups. Your legs should be on your toes. Beginners should stay in this position until their hands becomes stable and they get confidence to move ahead.  Slowly bend your...